Yay, we have been impatiently waiting for this deal to come back. Frys is currently running their 4x fuel points promo on gift cards and now through 12/2/2019 you can purchase $50 in Petco gift cards and get $10 off. You MUST purchase two gift cards for this offer to work. These are ecoupons, that you have to load to your Frys card through their app or website. So before heading to the store, you need to make sure these ecoupons are actually on the card.

So that’s $50 in Petco store credit for $40 and 200 Frys fuel points, giving you 20 cents off for up to 35 gallons at the pump. Potentially a $7 value if you can fit that much gas (HELLO RV gas tank!!).
We are thrilled and will send our human to Frys for sure and then we’ll turn around and use that Petco Gift Card to shop on Black Friday, although deals are slim pickins this year.
Here’s the small print for the gift card:
Save $10.00 on 2 PETCO
when you buy TWO (2) PETCO Gift Cards totaling $50 or more (Offer excludes $10 PETCO Gift Cards).
Offer excludes $10 Petco Gift Cards. Offer not valid on online purchases. Product and offer may not be available in all states.
Black Friday Gift Card Event:
Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager’s Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.Exp 12/02/2019
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