February 2025 Donation to Meowness
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Yesterday we sent the human to meet up with the Meowness lady to hand over a small donation of mostly litter that we have purchased over the last few weeks.
Look at this picture. It sure feels our donations are getting smaller and smaller. Not pictured is s small bag of cat food, she picked up on the way.
The retail value is about $205 and our oop was roughly $85, not counting the lickable urinary health treats that Riley’s human gave us to add to our donation. (Thank you Riley!)
Donation shopping has been frustrating this year so far. Not many deals, hardly any coupons.
We so miss the days, when we were able to publish matchups for Petco and Petsmart with all the great coupons we used to have!!
We hope there’ll be some better options later in the month.
We know, things are difficult for everyone right now, but if you can please help out the Meowness kitties with a few dollars!!
You can donate to their cause here! Thank you!
Categories: Donation Drop Off
November 2024 Mini Donation to Meowness
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We just got back to Mesa for the Winter and were able to send the humans shopping right away. We had gotten word of huge markdowns on pet food and pawed at female human to get off the couch immediately to go hunt for deals.
This is kind of a mini donation, as it doesn’t have any dry food or litter, but as the humans are going out of town again, we wanted to get this to the Meowness kitties before they leave.
It doesn’t look like much and despite not being much food at all, these items retail at a ridiculous $636. Come on, seriously, who pays that? But we were able to get all of this….wait for it….drum roll: $ 2.71
Yes, yes less than $3!!! To say we were pretty stoked was an understatement!
The human is just heartbroken about so much packaging and so little food inside.
Would we have preferred to also get the Meowness gang some litter and dry food? Yes, sure!
But you gotta score the deals, while the getting is good and this was an exceptionally amazing deal, even for us!
Deal shopping has gotten a lot harder for sure, but we hope to score a few more things for our buddies at Meowness as the season progresses.
If you’d also like to help them out, you can donate to their cause here.
In addition to all the usual expenses for vet care and pet food, they’ve had a stroke of bad luck lately, with a failed furnace and then electrical problems. That’s pretty scary.
So if you can send them a few $$$ we are sure they would put them to very good use.
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Categories: Donation Drop Off
March 2024 Donation to Meowness
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March is our Gotcha Month, so before we go out of town again at the end of this month, we had to send the humans to Meowness one more time to drop off a few donation items.
Unfortunately the deals weren’t as good as they were in January and February, but we did our best to at least get a few things from the Meowness wish list.
Man were we spoiled with coupons in January and February. March? Not so much, for meowing out loud!
The items pictured retail for a ridiculous $311 and our out of pocket cost, was about $132.
Not the greatest donation of all times, but every little bit helps and we know Meowness sure can use it.
The human also made a small donation to the vet cost fund in honor of our gotcha month, as we do every year.
Vet costs have really gotten out of hand as well, so we’d really like to encourage you to help our buddies at Meowness with a few $$$ as well, if you can.
Their website has a link to donate via paypal and you’ll also find a bunch of adorable cats that are looking for awesome humans, just like Paisley Jade, pictured below.
Isn’t she stinkin’ adorable??
Thank you for helping out a wonderful small organisation, where every $ goes to the kitties and only the kitties!
We feel those small rescues are really feeling the squeeze of the constantly rising cost of food, supplies and vet care.
That will be it in terms of deal shopping for a little while, as we are going on the road again with the humans to enjoy ever changing cat TV through our screen door!
We are not sure if we can get female human to update this blog during the summer, but we’ll try our very best to motivate her!
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Categories: Donation Drop Off
February 2024 Donation to Meowness
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This is our February 2024 donation to Meowness!!
It has been a hot minute since we last dropped off an in kind donation at Meowness, but today we are sending the humans over with about $824 worth of pet supplies that we paid roughly $176 out of pocket for.
Just look at this picture!! 170 lbs of litter, 183 lbs of dry food, 90 lbs of wet food and one pound of treats.
We are super excited and female human is tickled pink. She had a ton of fun shopping during the last few weeks and we really enjoyed sending her out to hunt for deals.
The last couple of years we have been constantly complaining about the lack of deals, lack of coupons and prices being totally out of control.
Pet supplies are still pretty expensive in our area, but luckily we’ve had great manufacturer coupons and a few really good store coupons and in store promotions that stacked.
On top of that lots of friends and neighbors shared their extra coupons with us, which made a huge difference and helped us stretch our budget, almost like in the good old couponing times.
We’d like to thank everyone who has helped out with coupons in the past weeks! It really does make a huge difference!!
We even were able to score a few litter boxes for the Meowness kitties, which we hope, they’ll like.
This will probably be it for a while, as far as deal shopping is concerned, unless we are getting a similar perfect storm of store promos, store coupons and manufacturer coupons again in February. It doesn’t happen all that often anymore, but when it does it’s a thing of beauty. Sooo….fingers and paws crossed!
If you’d also like to help out the Meowness Kitties, please consider donating a few dollars to this very deserving rescue organisation. You can find their donation info here.
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Categories: Donation Drop Off
March 2023 Donation to Meowness
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Today we had the human drop off what has to be the smallest donation in our history of donations to Meowness.
We are kind of disappointed at the lack of deals and it keeps getting worse. Coupons are few and far inbetween and the prices are kind of ridiculous.
We really feel for the shelters that go through a lot of these items and are facing increased cost for vet care on top of that!
They really need help more than ever!! If you can spare a buck or two, we know Meowness would be so grateful for your support.
You can donate on their website, the donate button is in the top right corner.
We also want to thank our friend Jennifer W. for sending us some stamps to pass on to Meowness, as they have to mail out a lot of paperwork on a regular basis.
The items pictured retail $ 216.16 and our out of pocket cost was roughly $70. We know, right? For that kind of money we used to be able to haul three times as much stuff to the shelter.
Times have definitely changed.
We are still trying to support the causes we care about any way we can, but dang do we miss the good ole couponing days when we could send the human shopping to the pet stores for pennies on the dollar.
What about you guys out there? Are you still able to find deals and coupons? Send those humans shopping, we gotta fill these bowls!
Categories: Donation Drop Off
January 2022 Donation to Meowness
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Wow, it’s 2022!! How did that happen? We hope all our furriends had a wonderful holiday season and a purrific start into 2022!
Our winter visit in Phoenix is coming to an end and we wanted to send the human to Meowness one more time before we leave town for a while.
The items in this picture retail at $376, crazy for such a small amount, right? Pet food prices are out of control. Our out of pocket expense after coupons was $96.
Deals are definitely harder to find these days and on top of that it has gotten really difficult to find stock now.
A lady saw the human buy some of the canned cat food and commented “When you find product, you gotta buy it, right?”
So very true. We hope the human got us stocked up as well. We have less storage space now, as we moved into a new RV, but we insist on pet food storage being a priority!
After all, we call the shots here! Meow!
Categories: Donation Drop Off
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