Petco: 2 days only $10 off 40 wyb online and pickup in store!
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Petco has a new offer today (12/19/2019) and tomorrow (12/20/2019) only:
2 Days ONLY! Save $10 off $40 When You Buy Online and Pick-Up In-Store
Yay, we got a lot of shopping done last weekend with the 10 off 30, but we were hoping for another deal before the end of the year to use up some coupons and get more goodies for our furriends at Meowness!
You can make your life easy and just Save $10 off $40 When You Buy Online and Pick-Up In-Store, but if you are like our human and have paper coupons to sweeten your deals, you can also show the coupon on your phone and purchase everything in store.
Either way, happy shopping!!
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Petco: $10 off 30 through 12/15/19
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Petco is running another $10 off $30 deal. You can either shop online or in store (the link has a coupon you can either print or download on your phone)!
You have until 12/15 to send your humans shopping!!
We also received a personalized coupon for products we tend to purchase often, which we are planning to stack with this sale.
We know for sure, where we’ll be sending our human tomorrow, yay!
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November 2019 Donation to Meowness!
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We hope, you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and an uneventful Black Friday!
Like every year, we sent our humans Black Friday shopping. Once they were done, we had them drop off their hauls right at Meowness the same evening. We don’t have any way to store things anymore. so shopping hauls need to get delivered to the shelter right away.

Neither us nor our humans are big Black Friday fans, but usually the stores have decent deals on litter or big bags of cat food, so we insist that the humans get their behinds in gear and do some shopping for our furriends, while we chill on the couch and strategize. Luckily the humans still get to sleep in and snuggle with us, so they don’t have to be at any stores in the middle of the night or any of that nonsense. That just wouldn’t work for us.
The deals were not all that great this year, but we think they did alright. Our favorite Petco had quite a bit of canned cat food on markdown, for which we had coupons, so that definitely helped!!
This donation roughly retails at $488 incl. tax, because most of the Blue Brand wet food was discounted, otherwise it would have been quite a bit higher. Our out of pocket cost came in right around $189. In our better days we used to be able to turn $100 into 6-8 times the value in pet food. This seems to be getting harder each year.
Considering we did not have that many coupons this year and the deals weren’t as great as in previous years, we are still pretty happy with the result. We had the humans ad match and luckily our favorite store allows that, so this definitely helped as well. Shopping the BF deals, probably saved about $180 over regular retail, so it was worth it to us. The marked down wet food paired with coupons really saved the day.
Seriously what would those humans do without us cats, making all the great plans? They would not even know how to shop!!
If you would like to help out the Meowness kitties as well, please consider donating a few bucks to their holiday fundraiser. This organisation does an amazing job of finding loving homes for homeless kitties and sometimes dogs as well. They recently moved the shelter, which means more added cost and they do have a bunch of cats with medical needs, so yes, every dollar helps!!

Or maybe you would like to add a furry family member to your home, like our pal Merry Mistletoe, pictured above. Isn’t she adorable! Quick , someone snag her up please, before female human gets any ideas!! Her and her buddies are looking for pawesome furever homes.
We are going to keep an eye out for more deals, while we are in town and hopefully will be able to make another donation in December!! Stay tuned!
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Frys: Pay only $20 for $30 in Petco Gift Cards! Plus 4x Fuel Points!
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We sent the human to Frys to get our Petco cards in preparation for Black Friday. She ended up getting two $15 cards instead of $25 and the $10 discount still came off.
You will need to load the digital $10 off coupon in the Frys app.
We mentioned this deal a few days ago, normally you would have to purchase two $25 cards for the coupon to come off.
And yes, we also received 4x fuel points. YAY!
This is an amazing deal! Get yours while you can!
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Frys: $10 off $50 in Petco gift cards, plus 4x fuel points!
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Yay, we have been impatiently waiting for this deal to come back. Frys is currently running their 4x fuel points promo on gift cards and now through 12/2/2019 you can purchase $50 in Petco gift cards and get $10 off. You MUST purchase two gift cards for this offer to work. These are ecoupons, that you have to load to your Frys card through their app or website. So before heading to the store, you need to make sure these ecoupons are actually on the card.

So that’s $50 in Petco store credit for $40 and 200 Frys fuel points, giving you 20 cents off for up to 35 gallons at the pump. Potentially a $7 value if you can fit that much gas (HELLO RV gas tank!!).
We are thrilled and will send our human to Frys for sure and then we’ll turn around and use that Petco Gift Card to shop on Black Friday, although deals are slim pickins this year.
Here’s the small print for the gift card:
Save $10.00 on 2 PETCO
when you buy TWO (2) PETCO Gift Cards totaling $50 or more (Offer excludes $10 PETCO Gift Cards).
Offer excludes $10 Petco Gift Cards. Offer not valid on online purchases. Product and offer may not be available in all states.
Black Friday Gift Card Event:
Limit of one coupon per household. Digital Coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item. Specially marked items, such as Clearance or Manager’s Specials may not be eligible for Digital Coupons.Exp 12/02/2019
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Petco 11/17-19 Early Access to Black Friday! $30 off $100 PLUS Free Shipping
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Petco is currently offering early access to Black Friday with $30 off $100 (use code: SAVE30) today 11/17 through 11/19. Head over here and check it out.
Lots of awesome deals to be had from your couch while cuddling with furry friends without having to set any paws into stores on Black Friday!
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